Boulderwelt Munich West

1000 € for KENIAL ⭐️ 😍 540 € came from the sale of the Yaffi at Boulderwelt Munich West. Today we were able to receive the check, and the Boulderwelt Munich West added up to 💙1000 €! Thank you!

kenial in Southafrica

A new project in CapeTown, Southafrica. Isabelle and Felix will travel to South Africa this summer. And they will visit the boys living in the shelter of The Homestead, a registered NGO in South Africa.  The Homestead helps street children to stabilize in a safe environment. They get medical treatment, can go to school again…

Kenial idea Boulderwelt West

The Boulderwelt Munich West sells small Yaffis before Christmas and the proceeds go to us – simply KENIAL! Thanks to the Boulderwelt West for the great idea. And thanks to all strong Yaffi buyers!

warm school uniform for Kathmandu

That took time. Already weeks ago Eva from KENIAL in Kathmandu ordered the warm sweaters, caps and scarves of the school uniform on site. And at Christmas everything was finally there. It is cold in the city.

Thanks at the faboulus Mehdi, Simin and Sören

Kenial! Thanks to Mehdi Pahnavar from DAV Paraclimbing Team Germany. Mehdi brings shoes and warm jackets to the kids in Iran. Thanks to Simin, Child Foundation, for the support in Teheran and the cooperation on site! And all this is possible because of the faboulus Sören from Homa Reisen, who handles the organization. Together with…

new clothes and shoes for the kids in Kenya

Thanks to LOWA and the DAV for the kenial donation. The first part has arrived in Kenya. A second part is still waiting for the transport. Hello Kenya travelers – just take it with you and move mountains for children.

and shopping again…

The kenial Eva is on the way again. Back from a wonderful trek in the himalya, Eva is in the children’s home and has continued to restock the pantry. With everything that is needed for winter. Potatoes, rice, oil,… up to shoe cream. Thanks Eva. Just kenial. No matter where you are in this world,…

kenial students of the LSH Marquartstein

Many thanks to the kenial students of the LSH Marquartstein! In a rapid donation running the young pupils gained € 670. And then the 5th grade classes, subject religion, moved on. Very creative and imaginative. Cookies and home-made kenial pendants were sold – and bottles collected. For almost € 350. We can really do a…

Eva in Kathmandu

Eva is on a world trip and now in Kathmandu for a week. Today, the pantry of the New Kopila Home was refilled. Shopping together, everything needed. Rice, potatoes, oil, up to washing powder and shoe polish. It has become quite a lot.

Hansjörg in Äthiopien

On his trip to the Semien Mountains in Ethiopia, mountain guide Hansjörg Hofer brings shoes and clothes to shepherd boys and girls. With these pictures, we realize how little we help. A few good shoes, instead of plastic slippers. A warm vest, a warm sweater. A great joy for the children, the big ones…