back from Bhutan

Our friend Klaus visited Tsewang (Bhutanese Amateur Athletic Federation) and some of the children in Bhutan. In 3 days our crowdfunding for the project “bhutanese kids on their toes” will start on To support 200 children in the Himalaya region.

The Kenial Tajikistan project

On their way home from their successful expedition in Tajikistan / Shadzud Valley, the women of the German DAV Expedition Team visited a Children’s Home in Rushan. 58 kids from first grade to the age of 18 are living there. All of them are orphans or half-orphans, attending the attached boarding school. The 8 women…

Mountain Shoes for Porter Guides in Kathmandu

Arrived! Today, nearly 40 pairs of great outdoor shoes reached the porter-guides in Kathmandu. And we’re crazy happy! Taken there by Klaus on his way to Bhutan. For the guides who often do not only guide but also carry heavy bag packs, the shoes are super important. For Ram, Randhoj, Nim, Maita, Som, Bhai, Ram,…

Visit to Cuba

The kenial Cuba project. In September skier and mountain climber Kurt Hartel once more visited the school, located in the very poor district La Lisa, on the outskirts of Havana. This area, avoided by mainstream tourism, is very familiar to Kurt by now. With his last visit the athlete brought new shirts and footballs to…

Bhutanese Kids on their Toes

We are starting the kenial Bhutan project. Meet the three Kenial design students, who are supporting the social initiative “Buthanese Kids On Their Toes”. Together with the „Bhutan Amateur Athletic Federation“ (BAAF), Kenial is especially trying to give children from poor and rural areas the chance to participate in physical education at the local schools.…

Kenya August 2016

The mountaineers Ida and Hansjörg reached the Lenana summit of the Mount Kenya on a beautiful morning. For KENIAL they visited the orphans around Nakuru, supervised by Bena and the NGO Utunzi Kwa Watoto. They handed out high quality mountain shoes, warm jackets for the youngest kids and shirts for the older ones. It is…

Boulder world cup in munich

Kenial at the ifsc boulder world cup in munich. Thx DAV for inviting us. We really had a good time, and hope that our little mountain pillows will find their way around this world.

small mountains traveling

Simply kenial. Our small mountain pillows are making awesome journeys. Athletes moving mountains for children in need. Like this: mountain pillows in Iceland, Norway, on Spaghetti round in Switzerland, crossing the Alpes, in Italy, Austria, Thailand, Spain, Scottland, France, Hungary…KENIAL! Many pictures are on INSTAGRAM – Kenial_set_in_motion usw.

New mountain shoes

New mountain shoes for the children around Mount Kenya. The mountaineers Ida and Hansjörg from South Tyrol arrived in Nakuru, Kenya, and brought the orphans high quality outdoor shoes. For the long and wet way to school. Donated by ‪LOWA‬. We wish Ida and Hansjörg a great trip to the summit. And huge thanks to…

The journey begins

Things for the kids are packed and handed out to the athletes. Leaving to Tajikistan and to Kenya. Thx and a wonderful trip to Ida and Hansjörg, Kenya. And to the Exped girls, Marie, Susi, Esther, Marie, Franzi und Vroni, Tajikistan.