Tatonka backpacks

Thanks to Tatonka.com for the kenial donation! So many cool school bags for the kids. We are starting with the first backpacks towards Kenya. Tim Howell North BASE makes his way to Kenya and brings the kid’s from Utunzi Kwa Watoto backpacks personally and directly. Very cool. Thank you so much!

Kenial in Rwanda

Lukas rides his bike – and takes something kenial with him. In Rwanda, 42.9% of the population is between 0 and 14 years old. In addition, children make up over 80% of Rwanda’s rural population and often have limited access to education. Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Ruanda Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Ruanda e.V. supports orphans and other…

Kenial in Cape Town

Kossi and 2 x Anke travel to Cape Town. And visit The Homestead with the great Paul Hooper, who explains all the projects and shows the impressive work on site. The Shelter for streetkids in the Township Khayelitsha, and the Transitional Residential Care for youth aged 15 to 21 who are preparing to leave care,…

Tim and Ewa heading for Namibia

Tim and Ewa leave for Namibia at the end of December. In their luggage are lots of towels for the NGO Wadadee Cares https://www.wadadeecares.com/ and their NamPads project in Windhoek. With the “NamPads” project, Wadadee Cares will first train local seamstresses to produce reusable and sustainable sanitary pads from fabric. After the first production has…


A new kenial project starts with Tim Howell, Ewa Kalisiewicz and Jack Atkinson in Namibia. They are bringing backpacks for the children of the association https://www.wadadeecares.com/ and fabrics for the local seamstresses to make textile pads. We are very happy that this works out so spontaneously.

Kenial Advent Calendar

Every day a new door in the Kenial Advent calendar. If you want to know what a Christmas elephant looks like or how to write 24 in Mongolian, then it’s time for our Christmas calendar “Winter, Christmas or Elephant”. Here, little artists from all over the world show how they imagine Christmas, or if there…

Kenial cooking

Krazat or spaghetti a la Herta? If you’re still looking for a Christmas present or don’t know what to cook over the holidays, here’s the solution: “Kenial kochen bis zum 7. Grad” – A cookbook by people from the mountains. https://www.kenialkochen.de/ Kenial Kochen is a collection of dishes brought from outside by mountain people. Some…

Greetings from Kathmandu

the kids have a long lockdown period behind them and life will be even more restricted. Homeschooling takes place using a computer and a smartphone – and yet everyone is enthusiastic and busy. We sincerely hope to reach the children again soon and look forward to travellers to Nepal. To hand over things that are…

LOWA packing again

Thanks to LOWA for the great donation. Simply kenial. When everything is packed, the load will go to Mongolia, to Sandra from the NGO Freundeskreis Mongolei and will be distributed to children and young people on site. The NGO helps children and young adults with various disabilities and their families. Thanks to all the hard-working…

Clothes for children in Mongolia

Thx Freundeskreis Mongolei for moving mountains for kids in need. Kenial shirts, shoes and bags arrived in Mongolia. Thx Lowa, Deutscher Alpenverein e.V. (DAV), the Running Angel, Sandra and Elli for supporting this project. . It’s a bit tricky these days, but with all your help it works. Wherever you travel, you can move a…