Boulder world cup in munich

Kenial at the ifsc boulder world cup in munich. Thx DAV for inviting us. We really had a good time, and hope that our little mountain pillows will find their way around this world.

small mountains traveling

Simply kenial. Our small mountain pillows are making awesome journeys. Athletes moving mountains for children in need. Like this: mountain pillows in Iceland, Norway, on Spaghetti round in Switzerland, crossing the Alpes, in Italy, Austria, Thailand, Spain, Scottland, France, Hungary…KENIAL! Many pictures are on INSTAGRAM – Kenial_set_in_motion usw.

New mountain shoes

New mountain shoes for the children around Mount Kenya. The mountaineers Ida and Hansjörg from South Tyrol arrived in Nakuru, Kenya, and brought the orphans high quality outdoor shoes. For the long and wet way to school. Donated by ‪LOWA‬. We wish Ida and Hansjörg a great trip to the summit. And huge thanks to…

The journey begins

Things for the kids are packed and handed out to the athletes. Leaving to Tajikistan and to Kenya. Thx and a wonderful trip to Ida and Hansjörg, Kenya. And to the Exped girls, Marie, Susi, Esther, Marie, Franzi und Vroni, Tajikistan.

A Mountainpillow on the the OutDoor Trade Show

A Mountainpillow from KENIAL on the the OutDoor Trade Show in Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance! The girls expedition is heading for Tajikistan and also visiting a children’s home in Rushan on their way. Supporting our kenial children’s aid project. Useful things for 58 Children – direct and personally. And Chris Sharma wished the girls team all…

bhutanese kids on their toes

New pictures from Bhutan. The project “Bhutanese Kids on their Toes” is initiated by the “Bhutan Amateur Athletic Federation” (BAAF) and is especially aimed at giving kids from poor, rural areas the possibility to participate actively in athletics. The athletics program will include 200 school kids and KENIAL e.V. would like to support the kids.…

Two mountaineers from south tyrol on their way to Mount Kenya

Two mountaineers from South Tyrol are heading to Kenya this august to climb the breathtaking Mount Kenya. They will take warm jackets and mountain shoes on their journey and deliver those to kids in need, more precisely: orphans of the NGO “Utunzi KWa Watoto” in Nakuru. Thanks to Marmot and Lowa for the donations! Thanks…

ExpedKader is moving mountains

Chamonix! Pics from Susanne in the Swiss Route to the Courtes. In August 2016, the six mountaineers of the DAV Expedition Corps will attempt a first ascent of the Pamir, Tajikistan. On their way, the women will visit a Children’s Home in Rushan.

Heavy rain in Nakuru

These pictures reached us yesterday – from the social worker of Utunzi Kwa Watoto in Nakuru/Kenya where KENIAL visited 120 orphans last year. We brought them rain jackets and trousers. What seems to be definetly not enough. An italien climber plans to visit Nakuru for KENIAL in August again – to support the orphans. Donations…

Balls for Volleyball in Tajikistan

Thanks to Hammer Sport, mikasa germany! We received a bunch of balls for the orphans in Rushan, Tajikistan today! So the kids will be able to play Volleyball at school – which is very popular in Tajikistan.