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Twice Esther takes many, many things for the orphans of the Utunzi Kwa Watoto to Nakuru on her way from Germany to Kenya. And in March they all come together. Thanks to DAV for the many great windbreakers and rain jackets, which the kids can really use on their way to school. And a big thank you to Bena, who, as every time, does all the organising on site. For Bena, there is also a mobile phone this time. Now communication is even easier, and there are lots of pictures for us.

New rain jackets and windbreakerfor the childfren in Nakuru. Yes, rain is heavy in Kenya.

Thanks to the wonderful Bena. She is caring as a social worker for more than 100 kids.

And all the children come together on this day. During school time, they are accommodated in different boarding schools or families. All of them are orphans or half-orphans.