Kenya 2015

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In December 2015 we visited more than 100 HIV oprhans arround the city Nakuru. We brought them things that will help them in their daily life: waterproof jackets, rain trousers, backpacks, shirts and footballs for their school. Precise and direct. The social worker helped us to organize the transport and made it possible to see almost all the kids. Salewa, Vaude, der FFC Wacker, the DAV Summit Club and many other donors supported this project. It was a wonderful time and impressive time. We met wonderful people and finally started to an awesome climbing tour: Mount Kenya, Nelion.


Kids. We met almost all of them. In three days. What an impressive time, far away from the usual touristic ways.

Bena became a close friend to us. She knows, what the kids need. And she coordinates this with KENIAL.

We brought Jackets, trousers, backpacks, shirts.

Nelion. After we visited the kids, our goal was a fine climbing route on the Nelion 5189m, Mount Kenya. 30 pitches, V+

Athletes. Jürgen Reinmüller, mountain guide and head of Alpinschule Alpinstil. Anke Johannssen, KENIAL e.V.

There are more spots to climb. In an awesome surrounding.

GGallery 2015