In august, three happy mountain goats will begin their quest for the perfect wave on Sri Lanka, backpacking through the country and stopping wherever their hearts tells them to. But not just that. Right at the start of their trip, the girls will be stopping over in a UNESCO village and bring the kids a whole bunch of useful things.

We support 10 orphaned girls in an orphanage additionally to 70 kids in elementary school located in a UNESCO village on Sri Lanka. Thx for supporting this project to Tatonka, schufilou und maloja!

Solely traveling to experience this jewel of the Indian Ocean, they’ll be backpacking, trecking and surfing wherever they feel like. Just strapping on that big backpack and discovering Sri Lanka on their own terms.

Athleten. Leonie, Natalie and Johanna will be heading for Sri Lanka in August. Starting in Colombo, they’ll first head to the kids in the UNESCO village. Afterwards, criss-crossing over the island, wherever the wind blows them before they begin their hunt for the perfect wave.

Elfriede Sueß is the head of the “Verein Zukunft für Kinder e.V.” (Future for Kids Charity). She was one of the first to fly into Sri Lanka after the devastating Tsunami in 2004 and coordinated the first efforts for humanitarian help, which eventually evolved into the UNESCO village.

The UNESCO village was built by the NGO “Zukunft für Kinder e.V.” (Future for Kids Charity) after the Tsunami of 2004. It consists of 54 residential buildings, two orphanages, a kindergarten, four school buildings and more.