Sunglasses donated by Filtral

200 Sunglasses for the children in the height of the Himalaya Thanks so much to Filtral for donating us 200 sunglasses for our children’s aid project in Bhutan. The excessive exposure to the sun in the height is extremely health hazard for the children’s eyes. The project „Bhutanese kids on their toes“ gives 200…

CROWDFUNDING starting today! On the 1st of November

Donate at KENIAL e.V. needs your donations to supply OUTDOOR CLOTHES and SPORTS EQUIPMENT for 200 bhutanese children. The project „Bhutanese kids on their toes“ gives 200 kids living all over Bhutan the chance to actively participate in physical education and sports. It is part of the national „Athletics at school project“. The children’s…

back from Bhutan

Our friend Klaus visited Tsewang (Bhutanese Amateur Athletic Federation) and some of the children in Bhutan. In 3 days our crowdfunding for the project “bhutanese kids on their toes” will start on To support 200 children in the Himalaya region.

Bhutanese Kids on their Toes

We are starting the kenial Bhutan project. Meet the three Kenial design students, who are supporting the social initiative “Buthanese Kids On Their Toes”. Together with the „Bhutan Amateur Athletic Federation“ (BAAF), Kenial is especially trying to give children from poor and rural areas the chance to participate in physical education at the local schools.…

bhutanese kids on their toes

New pictures from Bhutan. The project “Bhutanese Kids on their Toes” is initiated by the “Bhutan Amateur Athletic Federation” (BAAF) and is especially aimed at giving kids from poor, rural areas the possibility to participate actively in athletics. The athletics program will include 200 school kids and KENIAL e.V. would like to support the kids.…

Bhutan Sherubtse College

The Sherubtse College Royal University of Bhutan would like to create five higher education spots for visually impaired students. Bhutan is a Kingdom in the Himalayas. Through life in extreme altitude, a larger number of people lose their eyesight. KENIAL e.V. would like to offer five Braille Computer Keyboards, five laptops with text-to-audio software in…

Kids in Bhutan

The BAAF (Bhutanese Amateur Atheltic Federation) build up a Kids Athletics programme geared to train the children from the grass root level. The children need jackets, sport shoes, shirts…