new kids in the happy school

Wonderful pictures from Rwanda. Many thanks to Sonja from the NGO Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Ruanda e.V. The new first class started school at the Happy School. And we gave them great backpacks – thanks to – , wonderful shirts from spraypay – thank you – , and new sandals. We wish all the kids…

New backpacks and shoes for Mongolia

New backpacks from Tatonka and LOWA shoes for the staff and the children looked after by Freundeskreis Mongolei. The Home Service staff visit the families at home and offer parent counselling, therapy and support for the children. The youngest children have been cared for by the Home Service of the Freudeskreis together with their parents…

Blankets for the very young children in Dharamsala

India, Dharamsala. The NGO TongLen runs a school that enables children from the slums to learn reading, writing, maths and much more. There are health projects, community and much more. We asked what is most urgently needed: Blankets, blankets for the little ones who not go to school yet. It gets cold at night. 128…

Lena in Namibia

simply kenial. Lena is flying to Namibia, to the Omuhonga Combined School, which she had to leave last year because of the Covid pandemic. And in her luggage she has shirts for the first 5 classes of the school. The cheerful DAV shirt will simply become the school uniform. Thank you very much Lena! A…

Transport arrives finally in Mongolia

In Mongolia, the Corona numbers are still high, and the country is partially in lockdown. For a long time, no transport was possible, then the transports dragged on for months. But we have been patient, and so has the Mongolian Circle of Friends. Some things have finally arrived, including backpacks, Lowa shoes and Covid…

Off to India

A day we have been working towards for a really long time. This morning, the first load set off for India. We support the NGO Tong-len charity there. The NGO helps children from the surrounding slums to go to school. The goal is to break the spiral of poverty and make it possible for the…

Lena in Namibia

Lena is on the way to the Omuhonga Combined School again. She worked there as ateacher before. The school is located in the northwest of Namibia, in one of the most remote regions of the country, the Kaokoveld. There is hardly any infrastructure in the entire region and some of the people live a traditional…

Thx to Mehdi the wonderful Simin

Thx to Mehdi Pahnavar, member of the german national climbing team and also climbing the UIAA iceclimbing worldcup, homareisen and the wonderful Simin for moving mountains for children in need in Iran. So wonderful to see you after such a long time – and starting our kenial project in Iran again. Thx Simin for all…

School bags for the next class

There were also new school backpacks for the next class of the Happy School. Thanks to Sonja and Egide from Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Rwanda for handing them over to the kids in Rutunga. And a big thank you to Tatonka for supporting this great project.